Covid-19 Safety
The French American School of Denver uses a variety of overlapping prevention and mitigation strategies to protect the health of our students and staff.
Our goal is to maintain in-person learning. Please do your part to protect our community during the year and keep your child or children at home if they are sick or are experiencing symptoms of a transmissible illness.
Read the latest DPS Safety Protocols and our updated COVID Decision Tree and COVID Guidance and our COVID Protocol Data for our school. As CDC and DPS guidance changes, school protocols will be reviewed and revised.
If the situation warrants, the Board of Directors will again stand-up an "Ad Hoc COVID Committee" which helps advise the school, and is made up of physicians, health professionals, the Head of School, the Co-Chair of the PTO, Board Members, and parents with applicable backgrounds.
Mask Wearing
Masks are no longer required inside the building for students and staff. Staff, parents and students may opt to continue wearing masks if that is their preference.
When masks were required, FASD participated in the Colorado State Mask Program. Through that program, we provided a monthly supply of KN-95 disposable masks to every student and staff member at no cost. Those masks were usually handed mid-month depending on supply chain. In the event that masks again become mandatory, we will try and stay involved in this free mask program.
Each child was also given a lanyard to help keep track of masks during recess, and lanyards provide an alternate method of wearing (tightening to head instead of over ears).
Additional Protocols
French American School Protocols Include:
Stand-alone HEPA filters in each classroom for as long as needed.
Hand-sanitizing stations in each classroom, at entrances, and other areas throughout building.
Opening windows in classrooms wherever possible - even if it means we all wear warmer clothing inside during colder months.
Advising staff and students to stay home if they are ill or symptomatic.
When available from the State or Federal Government, free rapid test kits for staff and students while supplies last.
Communicating directly with families and DPS regarding known positive COVID-19 cases as appropriate.
Cleaning high-touch areas of school during high community-transmission outbreaks.
Placing emphasis on proper hand-washing technique and frequency.
​Reminder: Free COVID-19 testing is still available for everyone by going to
Order Free Rapid Tests
for Your Child + Family
Colorado Department of Health main COVID-19 page (data, vaccines, tests and more).
View underlying Data for the State of Colorado.
Find a COVID testing site or vaccination site.
Safety Is Everyone's Responsibility
Wash Your Hands
Encourage your children to practice good hand-washing technique at school and home:
Adequate Time
This is an important life skill regardless of COVID.
Wear a Mask
Love them or hate them, masks and vaccines may be our collective best defense against COVID transmission.
Masks are now optional.
When they are worn, please ensure your child's mask fits properly and is worn over their nose and mouth.
Best parenting tip we've heard to acclimate to a mask: Have your kids practice wearing a mask properly while distracted by their favorite television program!
Keep Distance
We know the best advice from doctors and scientists:
Fresh Air
Please encourage your children to be mindful of others' space when community COVID levels are high.